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Māori Futures Symposium

Celebrating Māori Futures 
Making and unlocking insights from ancestral wisdom.
The purpose of the Māori Futures Symposium is to unite both community change makers and our community scholars.

Hauora Gen:Z 2022

Kia Ora Hauora Inaugural Hui Rangatahi 
Originally scheduled for 2020 to be held in Wellington (postposed due to COVID). More details to come.

Tai Tonga Reo Māori Summit

The inaugural Te Tai Tonga Reo Māori Summit is being proudly hosted in Whakatu this year and is an exciting opportunity to gather all language champions together from throughout the rohe to discuss how we continue to grow te reo Māori within our communities.

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu

2022 Symposium
More details to come.