The focus of our approach is delivering excellent services for whānau that are kaupapa Māori driven. This is underpinned by whanaungatanga, teamwork, quality measures and professionalism. As Mokowhiti's approach and structure is whānau or family-centred, strategic planning is about sustainability and longevity as the work is done for our, and future generations.
Cazna Luke
Ko Tuhua, ko Tarakeha ōku maunga
Ko Arahura, ko Moetangi ōku awa
Ko Arahura, ko Matihetihe ōku marae Ko Ngāti Waewae, ko Tao Maui, ko Hoko Keha ōku hapū
Ko Ngāi Tahu rāua ko Te Rarawa ōku iwi
Cazna is committed to creating solutions that contribute to realising whānau, hapū and tribal aspirations and she possesses a resolute belief in, and commitment to whānau driving and determining their own futures.
Cazna believes good business is based on the values and philosophy of whanaungatanga. It is the foundation on which she built Mokowhiti Consultancy, her whānau owned and operated business, which she established in 2002.
Mokowhiti Consultancy is an extension of her own whānau, it represents how they choose to live, it embodies the values and attributes that are important to them and importantly, it allows space for the heart that underpins all their contributions.
With an innate entrepreneurial spirit, backed by a Bachelor of Applied Management in Business Transformation and Change and is an accredited Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with the International Coaching Federation. Cazna firmly believes incorporating whanaungatanga into the business structure and weaving it through their contracts is their most important point of difference and most potent commercial advantage.
Cazna has been involved in setting up numerous Māori businesses and Māori development organisations. She currently leads Kia Ora Hauora a national Māori workforce development programme, was a member of the establishment team for Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, the South Island Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency and she is a founding partner in Tū Māia, a consultancy specialising in Māori leadership, innovation and venture development for profit, social enterprise and kaupapa driven entities.
Cazna and her darling Lee are parents to three sons Tana, Delane and Waikawau as well as grandparents to their mokopuna Aewa Te Aotukia Ngakauroa, Amo Tawini and Kaiaio Mauri. They live with their extended whānau of 25 in a contemporary papakainga setting in Tai Tapu, Christchurch which is also the base for their whānau owned and operated business Mokowhiti Ltd.
Lee Luke
Ko Tokomaru te maunga
Ko Wairau te awa
Ko Karauripe te moana
Ko te Tana Pukekohatu te tangata
Ko Ngāti Paretona te hapū
Ko Ngāti Rārua te iwi
Lee has spent the past 25 years working within a kaupapa Māori environment initially focusing on research, iwi history and whenua Māori. He has previously worked for Te Kooti Whenua Māori and as a private contractor but feels most fortunate to have spent a considerable amount of time as a researcher, negotiator and trustee with Ngāti Rārua and their claim to the Waitangi Tribunal as part of the Northern South Island Inquiry. In recent years Lee has also been involved extensively with Mana Tāne Ora o Aotearoa a national rōpū highlighting the need for greater emphasis on Māori men’s health and wellbeing.
Lee currently holds governance roles with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua, Nelson Marlborough DHB Iwi Relationship board, Canterbury Men’s Center and other Māori land entities. He is also pursuing a Masters of Māori and Indigenous Leadership with the University of Canterbury as well as certification as an accredited International Federation Coach with the RISE 2025 tāne Māori cohort.
Lee and his darling Cazna are parents to three sons Tana, Delane and Waikawau as well as grandparents to their mokopuna Aewa Te Aotukia Ngakauroa, Amo Tawini and Kaiaio Mauri. They live with their extended whānau of 25 in a contemporary papakainga setting in Tai Tapu, Christchurch which is also the base for their whānau owned and operated business Mokowhiti Ltd.
Trudy Thomson
Ko Tuhua tōku maunga
Ko Arahura tōku awa
Ko Arahura tōku marae
Ko Ngāti Waewae tōku hapū
Ko Ngāi Tahu tōku iwi
Trudy started at Mokowhiti in 2004 and has a wealth of experience in financial management and is responsible for the financial accountability for a number of Māori businesses. Trudy is contracted as programme faciliator of Ngāi Tahu Affordable Housing project. Trudy’s skills and experience support potential first-time home ownership with financial literacy. Her skills include setting long term financial goals, developing personal and whānau budgets and empowering whānau towards financial independence. Trudy has a warm, engaging and organised work style and is generous with the people and programmes she contributes to. Trudy is currently undertaking the National Certificate in Adult Education and Training Level 4 - Focus on Financial Capability Education and Training through Massey University and Westpac Massey Fin-Ed Centre.
Another of Trudy’s roles is as the Coordinator, Kia Ora Hauora, Te Waipounamu: Kia ora Hauora is a national programme that supports Māori into a Health career pathway. Trudy works with District Health Boards, Recruitment specialist, Allied Health, Schools, Tertiary providers and individuals. Trudy facilitates a number of programmes within this contract, and has a focus on better outcomes for Rangatahi.
Lani Carter
Mata Awhinuku
Ko Tuhua, ko Tarakeha ōku maunga
Ko Arahura, ko Moetangi ōku awa
Ko Arahura, ko Matihetihe ōku marae Ko Ngāti Waewae, ko Tao Maui, ko Hoko Keha ōku hapū
Ko Ngāi Tahu rāua ko Te Rarawa ōku iwi
Having worked in the travel industry for the past 25 years, Lani joined the Mokowhiti team in 2019, just prior to the COVID19 pandemic taking over the world in 2020 – Lani’s departure from the industry was absolute perfect timing and she has been onboarded to the Mokowhiti way of life throughout lockdown and moved through the various levels of COVID19 as required.
Lani brings with her expertise gained from her many years within a corporate environment and has taken on the travel and financial portfolios within the organisation. Lani loves the whānau environment she now finds herself working within and being able to spend more time with her two tamariki and those she loves, and only wished that she had joined the business many years ago!
Vicki Ratana
Kaiwhakahaere Tauwhainga | Event Manager
Ko Tuhua, ko Tarakeha ōku maunga
Ko Arahura, ko Moetangi ōku awa
Ko Arahura, ko Matihetihe ōku marae Ko Ngāti Waewae, ko Tao Maui, ko Hoko Keha ōku hapū
Ko Ngāi Tahu rāua ko Te Rarawa ōku iwi
Vicki joined the Mokowhiti whānau in 2010 and has a background in iwi relationships and event management having previously worked for Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. In her role Vicki manages the events portfolio and works closely with iwi organisations, government agencies and NGO’s to help plan, facilitate and deliver events in ways unique but still affordable for clients. Throughout her experience with the organisation, Mokowhiti has established the basic systems and procedures necessary to make the business of eventing flow smoothly. In governance roles, Vicki is the Chair of Te Puawaitanga and is a Trustee of He Kura Te Tāngata Trust.